Benan Cetin Website
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Benan Cetin Website Senior Software Developer
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Istanbul / Turkey
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Homepage | Posts
2021.02.26 | 14:45

Bitcoin 2

Me without bitcoin Me with bitcoin ...
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2021.01.26 | 22:42


Since I have finished the migration of old posts, I can start my projects.. ...
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2021.01.25 | 23:35

Quote of the day 2

- Archimedes; Give me a lever and a place to stand and I will move the earth - Me; Give me a computer and a good internet connection and I will move the earth ...
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2021.01.25 | 22:52

Quote of the day

Sometimes you just find the light when it's dark. And sometimes you just need to remember the dark, to find the light. ...
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2021.01.25 | 01:34


There are two kinds of mentality - Success mentality - Victim mentality And - Save money mentality - Waste money mentality ...
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2021.01.25 | 00:48

Watching TV?

Have tried to watch TV and could not find anything to watch. I think everything on TV are harmful for people. There is nothing they can learn for their benefit. And I really wonder how it's possible that none of the goverments are into this subject. ...
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2021.01.24 | 02:40

Here is the third one

This was the last test. ...
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"What you look is me, what you see is you."
- Anonym